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Address 北海道札幌市中央区北3条西2丁目8番地 
Store details
Name 札幌北3条西2丁目店 Store details
Address 北海道札幌市中央区北3条西2丁目8番地 
TEL 011-218-1502
Store hours 24時間 
Store services E-net ATM Multi-Function Copier Wi-Fi Self checkout TAX-FREE STORE Cigarette Liquar
Payment method FamiPay iD WAON QUICPay RakutenEdy T Money Prepaid transportation dpayment LINE Pay PayPay RakutenPay au Pay J-Coin Pay YuchoPay merpay Smart Code 支付宝/Alipay+ WeChat Pay
Address 北海道札幌市中央区南3条西3丁目1-4 
Store details
Name 札幌南3条西3丁目店 Store details
Address 北海道札幌市中央区南3条西3丁目1-4 
TEL 011-200-7130
Store hours 24時間 
Store services E-net ATM Multi-Function Copier TAX-FREE STORE Cigarette Liquar
Payment method FamiPay iD WAON QUICPay RakutenEdy T Money Prepaid transportation dpayment LINE Pay PayPay RakutenPay au Pay J-Coin Pay YuchoPay merpay Smart Code 支付宝/Alipay+ WeChat Pay
Address 北海道札幌市中央区南2条西1丁目5-1 
Store details
Name 札幌狸小路1丁目店 Store details
Address 北海道札幌市中央区南2条西1丁目5-1 
TEL 011-280-0125
Store hours 24時間 
Store services Yucho Bank ATM Multi-Function Copier Wi-Fi TAX-FREE STORE Cigarette Liquar
Payment method FamiPay iD WAON QUICPay RakutenEdy T Money Prepaid transportation dpayment LINE Pay PayPay RakutenPay au Pay J-Coin Pay YuchoPay merpay Smart Code 支付宝/Alipay+ WeChat Pay
Address 北海道札幌市中央区南7条西7丁目1033番4 
Store details
Name 札幌南7条西7丁目店 Store details
Address 北海道札幌市中央区南7条西7丁目1033番4 
TEL 011-530-1758
Store hours 24時間 
Store services Parking Yucho Bank ATM Multi-Function Copier ID Photo Wi-Fi TAX-FREE STORE Cigarette Liquar
Payment method FamiPay iD WAON QUICPay RakutenEdy T Money Prepaid transportation dpayment LINE Pay PayPay RakutenPay au Pay J-Coin Pay YuchoPay merpay Smart Code 支付宝/Alipay+ WeChat Pay
Address 北海道札幌市北区北6条西7丁目 5-22 
Store details
Name 札幌北6条西7丁目店 Store details
Address 北海道札幌市北区北6条西7丁目 5-22 
TEL 011-280-6190
Store hours 24時間 
Store services E-net ATM Multi-Function Copier Eat-In Space Wi-Fi Self checkout Multipurpose toilet TAX-FREE STORE Cigarette Liquar
Payment method FamiPay iD WAON QUICPay RakutenEdy T Money Prepaid transportation dpayment LINE Pay PayPay RakutenPay au Pay J-Coin Pay YuchoPay merpay Smart Code 支付宝/Alipay+ WeChat Pay
Address 北海道札幌市北区北6条西6丁目1-4 
Store details
Name 札幌駅西口店 Store details
Address 北海道札幌市北区北6条西6丁目1-4 
TEL 011-200-2918
Store hours 24時間 
Store services E-net ATM Multi-Function Copier ID Photo Eat-In Space Wi-Fi Self checkout TAX-FREE STORE Cigarette Liquar
Payment method FamiPay iD WAON QUICPay RakutenEdy T Money Prepaid transportation dpayment LINE Pay PayPay RakutenPay au Pay J-Coin Pay YuchoPay merpay Smart Code 支付宝/Alipay+ WeChat Pay
Address 北海道札幌市南区定山渓温泉東3丁目228番地 
Store details
Name 定山渓店 Store details
Address 北海道札幌市南区定山渓温泉東3丁目228番地 
TEL 011-595-3536
Store hours 24時間 
Store services Parking E-net ATM Multi-Function Copier Eat-In Space Wi-Fi Multipurpose toilet TAX-FREE STORE Cigarette Liquar
Payment method FamiPay iD WAON QUICPay RakutenEdy T Money Prepaid transportation dpayment LINE Pay PayPay RakutenPay au Pay J-Coin Pay YuchoPay merpay Smart Code 支付宝/Alipay+ WeChat Pay
Address 北海道函館市若松町20番1号 
Store details
Name キラリス函館店 Store details
Address 北海道函館市若松町20番1号 
TEL 0138-24-8026
Store hours 24時間 
Store services Yucho Bank ATM Multi-Function Copier Wi-Fi Multipurpose toilet TAX-FREE STORE Cigarette Liquar Famima Food Drive
Payment method FamiPay iD WAON QUICPay RakutenEdy T Money Prepaid transportation dpayment LINE Pay PayPay RakutenPay au Pay J-Coin Pay YuchoPay merpay Smart Code 支付宝/Alipay+ WeChat Pay
Address 北海道小樽市港町5番3号 
Store details
Name 小樽運河店 Store details
Address 北海道小樽市港町5番3号 
TEL 0134-31-0162
Store hours 24時間 
Store services Parking E-net ATM Multi-Function Copier Eat-In Space Wi-Fi Multipurpose toilet TAX-FREE STORE Cigarette Liquar
Payment method FamiPay iD WAON QUICPay RakutenEdy T Money Prepaid transportation dpayment LINE Pay PayPay RakutenPay au Pay J-Coin Pay YuchoPay merpay Smart Code 支付宝/Alipay+ WeChat Pay
Address 北海道千歳市北栄2丁目2-1 
Store details
Name ANAクラウンプラザホテル千歳店 Store details
Address 北海道千歳市北栄2丁目2-1 
TEL 0123-40-6762
Store hours 6:00-1:00 
Store services Yucho Bank ATM Multi-Function Copier Wi-Fi TAX-FREE STORE Cigarette Liquar
Payment method FamiPay iD WAON QUICPay RakutenEdy T Money Prepaid transportation dpayment LINE Pay PayPay RakutenPay au Pay J-Coin Pay YuchoPay merpay Smart Code 支付宝/Alipay+ WeChat Pay

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